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Course Outline
REST - base
- The need for the exchange of information between sites
- Services such MushUp and popular applications
- Services using REST
Conventions Rest
- Mapping CRUD operations on HTTP calls
- Conventions API URL structure
- Passing Parameters
- Return Values
- HTTP statuses
- JSON - a universal format for the exchange of information
API services
- Examples of the popular API
- RESTful frameworks
Create a REST API - Server
- Gathering requirements and identify functionality
- Design and API documentation
- Installing the required libraries
- Business Object - mapping the class
- Controller methods
- Representation of a business object as JSON
- HTTP Headers - as metadata
- Testing the API using cURL
- Authentication mechanisms
- Basic knowledge of HTTP
- Basic understanding of web application development
14 Hours
Testimonials (2)
The exercise and the trainer is very helpful in the coding.
Paul Andrew - IT
Course - REST API - a pattern of exchange of information between sites
Trainer had a good rapport and was very helpful and kept it interesting; makes a big difference when learning.